January 8, 2012

Winter English Camp

While the winter camp didn't have as many students as the summer one,  we still had a lot of fun. This time I focused more on interactive activities. Since the students were excited for winter vacation, I didn't want to overwhelm them with so much new English material. Some of the activities included Jenga, cooking, survival skills, and a talent show. This turned out to be a great decision because I was teaching alone half of the time. This encouraged the students to use their own speaking skills and not rely on a Korean teacher so much :) I was pleasantly surprised since some of the students actually spoke English very well. Most of the students were comfortable with talking to me, which made the camp even more enjoyable.

One of the students is putting the finish touches for the crepes.
What do you think about these crepes? There are bananas, strawberries, and whip cream inside, and then topped off with corn flakes and chocolate syrup.

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