April 1, 2011

Construction Sign

A funny but somewhat sad warning sign at a construction site. I would definitely obey the warning if I saw a sign of a crying burnt up kid whose still on fire!

March 30, 2011

A few notes...

Hello everyone,

I was finally successful with posting my second video of my hike. If you would like to see it, please go to my March 16th post, "Getting Our Hike On". I did this for the sake of keeping my entries mostly in chronological order. As for my internet problems, some of it has been resolved. I can at least upload pictures at normal speeds on most sites, but video upload speeds are still inconsistent.

Some websites/domains do not connect directly to the source. If I go online from Korea, the bandwidth goes through Japan first, then to its source. This is the main reason for massive slow down on some websites. Unfortunately, Blogger is one of the sites affected. With all the catastrophic events happening in Japan, I'm definitely sympathetic about the whole situation.

March 29, 2011

Geumsansa Village

This picture was taken right after I finished making my lotus lantern. Going with the traffic light scheme for my lantern actually turned out pretty good.

Here is the Buddhist monk that hosted us during our temple stay. Even though he spoke broken English and mostly Korean, he was very informative and accommodating. Right here he is talking about the purpose of the tea ceremony.

While the temperature was still a bit chilly most of my weekend here, it was a great experience. We had several walks during my stay. During this time we were allowed to speak, but for the "meditation walks", we had to remain silent. The silence was because the monks were chanting and these walks were meant to cleanse our minds from negative feelings.

After sunset, the monks begin playing the drums. Our host monk on the right also briefly plays the drums once the monk on the left goes over to the bell.

A close up shot of a monk preparing to ring the bell.

March 27, 2011

Before the Temple Stay

Here is the front entrance of the temple village.
This temple was very interesting inside, but unfortunately the lack of light inside made those pictures unusable.
In this picture, I'm standing by the drum and bell tower. I will post a picture and video of the Buddhist monks who used the bell and drum later on.

I was allowed to take a picture inside this temple. It was much smaller than some of the other temples, but it was still interesting inside.