December 25, 2011

Christmas 한국 Style

This year was officially the first time that I would celebrate Christmas overseas. It was a little surreal not celebrating with family or relatives for the first time, but I had a great week overall. I started the beginning of the week with a jazz concert. This ensemble had a mix of familiar instruments such as the saxophone and drums, and Korean traditional instruments such as the daegum (bamboo flute) and kayageum (zither). The concert was a nice and relaxing experience, and it was nice that they ended with their performance with a little bit of holiday spirit. 

Throughout the week, I also did some Christmas shopping, which probably was not the best idea. I had to fight through some crazy crowds, but it was entertaining to see shoppers scramble for last minute holiday deals!  For the rest of the week, I had some nice dinners with the teaching staff and friends, then on Christmas day I went to a world music performance. The night ended nicely with friends from Singapore coming up to visit me.

The changes in the background color and the smoking effects added a nice touch to the performance. Occasionally the smoke was a little overbearing, but it wasn't enough to take anything away from the performance.
During parts of the jazz performance, they also mixed in some traditional folk singing, called Pansori. Even though I didn't understand the majority of what she was saying, she blended in very well with all of the instruments. She also has a pleasant singing voice.
If you're a fan of Christmas music, you will hear a tune that should sound very familiar!
This was the crowd that I had to deal with when I went shopping on Christmas eve!
After several attempts, I was finally able to get a picture of this cool reindeer and sleigh ornament! I had to wait until all of the crowds were gone.
 This concert showcased some very interesting instruments that I've never seen before. There were 16 performers that represented countries in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.
 All of the performers did a great job blending all of the sounds together. There were times where it felt like I was listening to a movie soundtrack, and other times where I felt like I was in meditation.

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