June 5, 2011

Steady Hands in the Sand

One of the main attractions in Busan is their beaches. Many Koreans recommended visiting Haeundae Beach, which is supposed to be one of the famous beaches in Korea. Since its Memorial Weekend in Korea, I figured this would be a good time to visit this beach. I was pleasantly surprised since there happened to be a Sand Sculpture Festival going on here. All of the sculptures were awesome and incredibly detailed. I wanted to take pictures of all of them, but there is only so much that I can do with a cell phone camera. Still took some decent pictures regardless. I'll never look at a sand castle the same way again!

As you can see, these sculptures are have a great amount detail.
I think this is the Sword in the Stone, but I'm not completely sure.

One of my friend's pictures showing someone working on this sculpture earlier in the day.

A tale with a familiar theme for this sculpture.
 Who could forget the signature grin of this cat?
 I'm late, I'm late
 Off with his head!
 Follow the yellow brick road....
He came with them to fulfill his wish of courage. 

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