June 30, 2011

Hanging Out With Sea Life

Last weekend, I went out with some friends on a scuba diving trip in Busan. At first I was nervous since we were at the mercy of fish large enough that they could eat us. Our certified scuba diver assured us that nothing would happen as long as we didn't provoke them. We had about a 1.5 hour crash course on the basic scuba techniques before beginning our dive. We got to only about 20 feet deep at the lowest point of the aquariam, but that's still enough to cause pressure change to our ears. Its the same effect as flying on an airplane. After about 45 minutes underwater, we slowly ascended back to the shallow end. It was one of the most exciting experiences that I've had in a long time. The view of all the sea life underwater was amazing and I will never look at an aquarium the same way. Our scuba trainer did a great job of training us and everyone came out having a great time.

Some stingrays and a few fish going around us.
Check out the size of this grouper/groper in comparison to the people watching our dive.  These big dudes can open their mouths even wider than a shark!
Sharks are not as aggressive as they are portrayed in the media. As long as we do not provoke them, they will not attack. This one started looking at us as we were taking photos, which caught me by surprise. After a while he just went on like nothing happened.
 As you can see, these gropers are a bit ugly, but still cool regardless.
 Our friends tried to take a picture of us from the outside, but we were blocked by a groper!
I had to do the peace pose since I couldn't smile or make crazy gestures under water;)
 One of the sharks lurking at the shallow end of the aquarium.
My friends also captured some video, which I will try to post in the future.

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