June 2, 2011

Tainted canned bamboo?!

A few days ago, my aunt sent me this informative, but disturbing message to me about canned bamboo made in China. Her message basically said to avoid this product at all costs because they come from old bamboo chopsticks. I asked a few Koreans if they were aware of this practice. They told me that they knew about this several years ago!  All of them also said that its the main reason they avoid eating bamboo at cheap restaurants. Even worse, some informed me that there are several reports every year of Koreans being hospitalized from continuously eating canned bamboo from China. I think I had better follow their advice and not eat any bamboo unless I know it's fresh! This reminds me of all of those food industry documentaries all over again!

 Don't these chopsticks look familiar?
After cutting, some unknown ingredients are added
 Flour being added
Is this soy sauce? I have no clue!
 Receiving the boiling treatment
 Placed in a jar for storage
 Storage in a fridge
 This is the result 24 hours later
 Ready for take out
 Yikes! This almost looks like the real thing!

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